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How to Make a Sparkling Springtime Feather Garland

We still have a month and a half left of spring. That’s plenty of time to give your porch or garden some springtime decoration.

I had originally intended to describe it as a decoration for spring barbecues. But since social gatherings have been curbed for the time being, I still think you and your family or housemates deserve to be cheered up with sparkly pastel feathers 🤗.

This is a super easy craft project, and it will give you something to fill up your day for an afternoon.

diy feather garland decoration


supplies to make a feather garland

Step 1:

Paint half of your white feather a pastel color and let dry.

painting feathers for feather bunting

Step 2:

Once the color is dry, paint over it with some acrylic glitter glaze.

I put a coat on each side of the blue half so it would sparkle from any angle.

making a feather garland sparkle

Step 3:

Repeat the process using different spring colors.

I used 4 colors and made 3 feathers per color.

feathers for a bunting banner

Step 4:

Measure your string out to leave some room to hang it later.

I used sparkly string so it would sparkle with the feathers.

tie feathers to make a diy garland

Step 5:

Having your string ready, dab some super glue onto one of your feathers.

I used super glue because it was the only way I could keep the string attached. You might know a better way.

attaching string to feathers for garland decoration

Step 6:

Wrap your string around the feather stem, leaving enough string on the end for hanging it up later.

tying together feathers for diy feather bunting

Step 7:

Hang them and enjoy the rest of spring!

spring porch decor

feather garland diy

feather bunting banner

I hope you all can enjoy the rest of the spring during this craziness. Enjoying the outdoors and everything blooming in it is one of the few normal things we can still enjoy. I'm going to try and appreciate that fact as often as I can.

tree starting to bloom
A tree in my backyard just starting to get this years leaves

Buy the materials on Amazon:

how to make a feather garland
spring porch decor feather bunting

make yourself a spring feather garland
diy feather bunting for spring

make yourself spring feather bunting

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