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How to Decorate Fake Eggs for Easter Using Scrap Fabric

I will teach you how to decorate styrofoam Easter eggs with scrap fabric strips and then cover them with resin to make durable Easter decorations you can use over the years.

I had wanted to make a decorated Easter egg in a way I hadn’t seen before. I used fabric with spring colors and I think they turned out really cool. You can check out how I used and displayed them at the bottom of this post.

Also for another springtime decor, you can make, check out my posts on how to make a sparkling feather garland and fake flower door decorations.

diy scrap fabric Easter eggs

fabric decorated eggs supplies

*Resin not pictured

Other supplies used:

But first,

What other ways can you decorate fake Easter eggs?

Paper decoupage

This is similar to what we’ll be doing in this tutorial, only instead of fabric, you would use paper. See how Rhoda does it using napkins.

Puffy paint

Puffy paint on plastic eggs is super fun and turns out looking fun, as well. Wildfire Interiors shows you exactly how to do this.

Nail polish

If you’ve ever done any marbling with nail polish, the technique works great on plastic Easter eggs. You can check out the process on Bird’s Party.

Sequins on styrofoam eggs

This is a fun way to decorate styrofoam by using sequins and pins. Catch my Party shows you the how-to for this way to decorate.

Wood burning on wooden eggs

Create a design on wooden eggs using a wood burner. Crafting a Green World shows you how to do this and then coloring in the designs with watercolor.

Now it's time to show you the scrap fabric idea!

Step 1

Start cutting little strips of the fabric you chose.

cutting strips of fabric

Using a variety of different fabric patterns will give the egg more of a collaged look.

See what I ended up with:

pieces of scrap fabric to decorate an egg

Tip: using a silicone mat to work on from now on will keep your eggs from sticking to any other surface. See below:

use a silicone mat for craft projects

Step 2

Use a paintbrush and Mod Podge to paint a big area of your egg.

While I was using the Mod Podge to add the fabric strips to my egg, I wore little silicone finger gloves the whole time to keep my fingers from sticking to the fabric or eggs.

using mod podge to decorate fake egg

Step 3

Add a strip of fabric to the part of the egg you applied Mod Podge. And then add more Mod Podge on top of it.

using mod podge to decoupage fabric on a fake egg

Step 4

Continue to add strips of fabrics going in different directions. Make sure you add more Mod Podge in between the pieces.

covering a fake egg with scrap fabric

I found it was easiest to only cover about half the egg with fabric pieces and then to set it on the silicone mat until it dried mostly.

Once that side does, pick it up and cover the rest of the egg.

It should look something like this when it is all covered:

styrofoam egg decorated with scrap fabrics

Step 5

To cover it with resin, you’ll first want to use a needle to poke a hole in the bottom deep enough to stick a wire in to hold it.

poking a hole in diy Easter eggs

Step 6

Cut pieces of wire for as many eggs as you made.

wire for Easter eggs

Step 7

Insert a wire in the hole you made in each egg.

putting decorated egg on a wire

Step 8

Stick the other end of the wires into something like a brick of styrofoam or whatever you have that will stand them up.

fabric collage covered eggs

Step 9

Now it's time to mix your resin.

Start by pouring the hardener into a silicone measuring cup and filling it to a line that can be doubled.

measuring 2 part resin

Step 10

Figure out the line that is double what you’ve filled already. And then fill up to that line with the epoxy part of the resin.

combing 2 part resin

Step 11

Stir the 2 part mixture for about 2 minutes.

mixing two part resin

I made way too much of the resin mixture.

Step 12

Use a silicone brush to start coating the eggs with the resin, making sure you get all sides and underneath.

coating scrap fabric eggs with resin

It took overnight for the resin to dry on the eggs.

I then thought that the eggs could use another coat of resin. And depending on what you want the final result to be, you could add one or two more coats on top of that.

Step 13

This is where I made a mistake, or at least did something that I realized that I didn’t need to.

To remove the wire from the egg, I assumed that I’d have to use wire cutters due to the resin...

removing wire holder from resined Easter egg

But after the second egg that I clipped the wire off, I realized I didn’t have to do that.

I learned that if I just twist the egg while keeping the wire still, it came off quite easily!

removing resined egg from wire holder

Once the wire is off, you might have a bit of a resin bump where the wire was.

It’s up to you if you feel like you should file it down a little. I didn’t think mine really needed it.

resin covered scrap fabric egg

Here are my resined eggs!

resin coated diy Easter eggs with fabric

And this is what I did with them:

I thought they’d be a fun addition to an Easter gift.

You could use them to add decoration to a potted plant for someone:

diy Easter eggs as plant decor

I also had the idea of making them a part of a little springtime party favor type gift:

spring gifts with diy Easter egg decor

I hope you loved this project and want to give it a try. Thank you for checking the whole thing out!

I bought most of my supplies at the Dollar Tree, but in case you’re not near one:

If you loved this project, please share ❤️❤️❤️

diy Easter eggs with scrap fabric

diy Easter egg decorations with fabric

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