I hope you’re not done decorating for the 4th of July, because I have an American Flag craft to decorate your front door or your neighborhood mailboxes using magnets.
When I realized my front door was metal, all I wanted to do was to decorate it with magnets. And so, almost every season, I make magnets to celebrate the occasion. Also, before the holiday, or whatnot, is over, I stick the magnets on mailboxes throughout my neighborhood. Some folks leave them there for a long time and so it's neat to see them when I drive by.
This flag project is really easy. I'm sure it would be a great project for kids to help with too. In fact, popsicle sticks is one of the supplies used, so if that doesn't say kid project I don't what does.

Step 1 - Cut out flag shapes
Cut the white fabric, linen works well, into rectangles. I made mine around 4 inches across. Cut as many as you want of the decorative magnets.

Step 2 - Color fabric like the flag
Using a blue marker, color the upper left part of the fabric, just like the American flag.

And then draw the red stripes.

Step 3 - Trim flag as needed
If the last stripe ends up being a white one, trim it so the last one is red. I found that it looked funny if I left it white.

Step 4 - Make stars with puffy paint
Use white puffy paint to add dots in the blue part of the flag to represent the stars. I didn't try to make 50 dots. I added as many fit well in the space. No one will judge.

Let dry.
Step 5 - Paint popsicle sticks silver
Since flag poles are metal, I figured it would be appropriate to paint my mini flag poles silver.

Let dry.
Step 6 - Add glue to the popsicle stick
Use hot glue from a glue gun to make a line down the popsicle stick where you'll attach your flag.

Step 7 - Adhere flag
While the hot glue is still hot, place the left end of the flag along the glue strip.

Step 8 - Glue on the magnet
Put a good-sized dollop of hot glue on the back of the popsicle stick and stick a magnet button into it.

And now your flags are ready to decorate!
I put some on my front door...

As well as my mailbox.

I plan on putting all the flags on my neighbor's mailboxes the day before the 4th of July. It's my favorite part of making the seasonal magnets 😄.