In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use pre-made paper mache mix and shape it into a dish. On top of that, you'll see how I decorated it using paper and colored cellophane.

There are so many different ways you could decorate a paper mache dish like the one I'm showing you.
Use how I decorated mine as inspiration, or follow it by the book. Every time we make something, we get better at techniques, but it also adds to our ability to turn it into something else for future projects.

Dish to use as a mould
Circle punches or die-cut frames (or something circular to trace)
Using paper mache mix is easy, but you can also learn how to make your own recipe.
Step 1
Measure out the amount of mix you'll need to cover the dish you're using as a mould.
I ended up needing to make more than what I initially thought, so keep that in mind. However, it was also fine when I added more mix halfway through shaping my dish.

I used a gallon bag to mix the paper mache in. First I used my hand inside the bag and then I was able to squish it around outside the bag:

Step 2
Cover the dish you're using as a mould with saran wrap.

Step 3
Start pressing the paper mache mix onto the dish.

For the edges of the dish, I added a chunk of the paper mache at a time and pressed it into place.

It's ok if paper mache goes over the lip of the dish. You'll be trimming it after it dries.

Step 4
After you have it spread onto your dish, cover it with practice wrap.

And then you can even it out more through the plastic wrap.

Now you'll need to it to let it dry.
And it usually takes a while. I had to let mine dry for a couple of days.
Once it's dry, take the plastic wrap off the paper mache and remove it from the dish.
It should look like this:

Step 5
Cut the excess off around the lip of your dish.

If some of the paper mache chips off, don't worry about it because we'll be covering it with paper.
Step 6
Rip up the black paper into strips.

Step 7
Using Mod Podge, decoupage the strips of paper onto the paper mache.

To go over the edge, turn the strip of paper so that one piece covers totally over the edge.

Step 8
Once it's all covered with the paper, give it one more coat of Mod Podge.

Step 9
Use circle punches or dies to cut out a few different size circles of white card stock.

Step 10
Arange the circle shapes on your dish in a way that's pleading and Mod Podge them on.

Step 11
Grab the different colored cellophane and one color cut into little pieces.

I found it easiest to cut a bigger long triangular shape and then cut it into smaller pieces.

Step 12
Paint some Mod Podge onto one of the circles.

Then start adding the little pieces of cellophane to the circle like how you would for a mosaic.
I used a wax pen I got with a diamond painting set. It made it very easy to add the bits of cellophane.

Use a different color in each circle.

You will probably have to use some colors twice. Just make it so that the same colors are spread apart.

Step 13
Use black glitter paint to cover all the black areas.

Paint the glitter under the lip of the dish as well.

Step 14
Outline the circles with black glitter glue to define them more.

Step 15
Spray it with some acrylic sealer.
I actually used a car enamel spray so that it would be ultra glossy.

And you're done!
Use it for your keys or your pocket change 😃.
Check out my tutorial for a spaced theme clay ring dish next.